Kelud Real Estate Elementor Template Kit
Kelud also comes with six-month support after installation. You can get assistance in setting up your new website, modifying the theme, fixing bugs, and performing common troubleshooting. Perfect for any new website owner looking for a professional online presence.
Property business requires professionalism and reliability, something a good website will portray. Kelud is a real estate Elementor template kit designed to showcase properties for business purposes. Modern, stylish, and responsive, Kelud is what you need to build a professional website without complicated coding skills.
Why Using Kelud Template Kit?
A property business depends on showcasing properties in their best conditions, using photos and detailed descriptions. You need a good website to feature properties professionally, but not everyone can build one from scratch. You can use Kelud to create a WordPress-based website using simple steps.
This real estate Elementor template kit offers a drag-and-drop function to build each website element. The global design makes it easy to modify or change the entire templates, creating a consistent look. The modern layout and subtle animated effects make the web surfing experience more convenient for your visitors. Showcasing properties has never been this easy!
Kelud also comes with six-month support after installation. You can get assistance in setting up your new website, modifying the theme, fixing bugs, and performing common troubleshooting. Perfect for any new website owner looking for a professional online presence.
Main Features
Kelud offers several main features to help you build a stylish and professional business website. Here are some examples.
Multiple Template Pages
Kelud comes with multiple template pages to create a complete website. They include Home, About, FAQ, 404, Blog, Contact Page, Team Members, and Services. Kelud has a property list with a Request Viewing button and pages for individual listings for more detailed property-related information.
Animated Effect
Kelud has a subtle animated effect on the text and image transition, especially when you scroll or move a cursor above them. The effect helps attract attention, add a modern touch, and emphasize important points. However, it is subtle enough to keep visitors from being distracted. The effect does not slow down your website, making sure to keep the page loading speed at an optimum level.
Detailed Property Page
This real estate Elementor template kit has a pre-made single property page. Each one offers placeholders for the layout plan, property details, and the property photo for the header. The page also has action buttons so visitors can download the floor plan, request viewing, or schedule a visit. If there are multiple buildings in one property complex, a listing table is available.
Simple Navigation
Kelud offers a simple navigation system to help visitors explore everything you promote. The main menu bar is placed as a header on the top of the attractive hero image. You can attach multimedia, carousel, and preview texts on your Homepage to promote listings, news, and articles.
Responsive Gallery Page
Kelud has a Gallery with responsive design, animated effect, and image carousel. Each image shows the property name, location, and type when you drag the cursor to it—a perfect page for attractively showcasing your property photos to draw prospective clients. The Gallery page can adjust its size and style with any device model and screen size.
Hand-drawn Icons and Infographics
Hand-drawn icons make this real estate Elementor template kit more a
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